Wednesday 14 October 2015

Mission Statement

Hi People,
I am sitting in front of my computer and as usual doing nothing and randomly I thought lemme check my very very old blog which I created like years ago and by the time it went forgotten and it was really forgotten, I couldn't find it anywhere. I just remember it was about emo and their fashion, quotes, style, life.. ahh my school life lol
But then I just created this blog out of no where, I named it makeup-N-review because that's what I'm doing these days, I am a new bee in makeup world and before that I was a tomboy, well I am still a "tomboy" ;)  but I thought lets try makeup just for adventure so here I am. Yeah I was talking about this blog, I named it and then it was available, I mean really?? it takes minimum an hour to find a username or the URL, the one you really want is always taken and here my first attempt was available.. YAY

I hope I will see you all really soon, may be as soon as half an hour with my first make up review blog, who knows :D

Till then Shine and Smile
Allah bless us all :)

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